HL7 UK Interop Forum – Virtual! June 10th 4pm
We can’t have our usual face to face meeting, sadly, but are heading online for a virtual edition of the HL7 UK Interoperability Forum.
It’s a late afternoon session (4pm to 6pm), so grab an after work drink and join us for 2 hours of talks about FHIR and UK hot topics.
We have some great speakers this time:
- Ian Williams and Richard Day, Nuffield Health – Adventures with FHIR eDischarge
- Richard Kavanagh, Graphnet Health – FSH: FHIR Shorthand
- Robert Worden, Open Mapping – Modelling methods for COVID-19
- Matt Steer and Matt Rudolph, DrDoctor – Using FHIR for sharing PROMs data
With more still to be confirmed.
This is a free event for HL7 UK members only. Non-members can attend one HL7 UK meeting, then are requested to join to attend further meetings.
The link to sign up is
The actual meeting online link will be sent out by email to those who have registered tickets, before the day.
If you would like to speak at a future event, let us know (tcchair at hl7.org.uk)