HL7 UK Secretariat Secretariat
HL7 UK Ltd
14 Church Street
Whitchurch, RG28 7AB, UK
Tel (+44) (0)8700 112 866
Email: secretariat@hl7.org.uk
HL7 UK Webmaster Email: webmaster@hl7.org.uk
HL UK is an Affilate of HL7 International: Health Level Seven International.
Suite 227
3300 Washtenaw Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48104, USA
Tel: +1 734 677 7777
Email: hq@hl7.org Web: www.hl7.org

Registered Number 04026136 (England and Wales) VAT Number GB 742 5286 29 Registered office 14 Church St, Whitchurch RG28 7AB, UK