Below are a few testimonials from HL7 UK members:
“HISL’s membership of HL7 UK provides us with a ‘one-stop-shop’ for keeping in touch with IT initiatives in the NHS as well as helping us maintain our expertise in clinical messaging.” Steve Carey, Health Information Systems UK |
“Some years ago I was given the task of developing an integration engine to interface to hospital PAS systems. At the time, HL7 was a closed book to me, and I didn’t know where to start with the HL7 interface. I discovered HL7 UK and was able to progress the project in large measure due to the resources available to me when I joined. HL7 UK continues to be a valuable source of information on changes and updates to standards.” Ian Cargill, Dendrite Clinical Systems |
“We benefit from HL7 membership at many levels. Firstly there is access to the standards themselves, but being able to participate in the development of standards and the discussions around their use is a massive aid to understanding how to make practical use of them. It is worth bearing in mind that HL7 is more than just a messaging standard – it is nowadays about all aspects of healthcare information system architectures. HL7 is also a great “place” for networking. It is the main forum – UK and world – where the experts in this domain come together to share experiences, views and ideas.” David Bowen, Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Trust |
“CAL2CAL has been an active member of HL7 especially in the US – our technology fully embraces the HL7 standards and protocols and we feel it enriches our company and earns respect worldwide. Here in the UK we are working with integration between disparate systems and being a member of HL7 UK gives us the opportunity to be involved in various concerns and updates happening in the healthcare sector nationally. We are very proud to be associated with HL7 and publicise HL7’s activities in our own presentations to new and existing collaborators and clients.” Sabarna Mukhopadhyay, Cal2Cal Europe |
“To be a successful and credible service provider in the healthcare space you will require access to information covering the standards and up and coming developments surrounding healthcare data interchange formats and specifications. HL7 has been a valuable and credible source for extracting this information and it has given us the edge in this highly competitive space.” Tony Alexander, Maeston Consulting |
“As leading specialists in healthcare integration we rely on the accurate work of HL7 UK to keep us and our customers up to date. Working with [the HL7] standards in over 50 Trusts in the NHS we recognize the importance of your organization. These standards provide the framework for many of the integration projects for our customers. These standards are saving the NHS many millions of pounds a year!” |
As part of HL7 UK’s ongoing communication campaign with its members and the wider healthcare informatics community, we would like to provide our members with the opportunity to submit testimonials about HL7 UK and the benefits of membership.
Testimonials should be no longer than 500 words, and should outline how ‘you’ as a member or member organisation benefit from your HL7 UK membership. All testimonials will be given a front-page rotation slot and a link to a dedicated testimonials page providing a link to the testimonial-providers web page (Organisational/Benefactor members only).
Please forward your testimonials, along with your contact details and URL to