HL7 UK is an affiliate organisation to HL7 International. HL7 UK currently has several members actively involved in HL7 International leadership positions. A group of UK members also regularly attend the Working Group Meetings, where the Technical Committees and Special Interest Groups meet.
HL7 UK Members with leadership positions in HL7.org
Clinical Statement Co-Chair |
Rik Smithies |
Generation of Anesthesia Standards Co-Chair |
Martin Hurrell |
Clinical Statement Facilitator – Publishing |
Isobel Frean |
Pharmacy Facilitator – Vocabulary |
Julie James |
About my role
Rik Smithies
Clinical Statement Co-Chair
Term Expires: Jan 2019
The Clinical Statement workgroup’s objective is to establish a common and consistent model to express clinical data, regardless of the domain or communication method.
It promotes consistent use of terminology and modelling style when using the HL7 RIM and encourages standardisation across different workgroups.
Members of Orders & Observations, Patient Care and Structured Documents founded the project, with Pharmacy, Laboratory and others contributing to the work.
In 2007 we achieved a major milestone by completing the Clinical Statement draft standard that is currently in place. Work is now underway to make the pattern a normative standard. It is hoped that this will form a key component of the next release of the HL7 Clinical Document Architecture (CDA).