FHIR Profiling – Where to start?
- David Hay’s presentation at the 2016 FHIR DevDays provides an excellent introduction to FHIR profiling. He provides an outline of the full process of applying FHIR to a real problem, from clinical/business need to FHIR based solutions, including but not limited to making a profile using his ClinFHIR tool:
https://vimeopro.com/firelyteam/hl7-fhir-developer-days-2016-amsterdam/video/191770214 - Michel Rutten’s presentation on FHIR Profiling at the 2016 FHIR DevDays takes the next step, introducing the technical foundations and profile data:
https://vimeopro.com/firelyteam/hl7-fhir-developer-days-2016-amsterdam/video/191771322 - When you’ve gone through those two, you will have a good background to help you understand the profiling section of the FHIR specification:
FHIR Profiling – Where to go next?
- David Hay’s March 2017 blogpost on starting out with the current version of clinFHIR (it’s changed since his earlier posts and videos):
https://fhirblog.com/2017/03/10/building-a-profile-in-the-new-clinfhir/ - Ewout Kramer’s presentation at the 2016 FHIR DevDays on Advanced Profiling, for a more in depth technical implementation perspective:
https://vimeopro.com/firelyteam/hl7-fhir-developer-days-2016-amsterdam/video/191936148 - A key resource for UK implementers is the FHIR APIs index page on developer.nhs.uk:
https://developer.nhs.uk/apis/- A range of examples at different stages of maturity in development. Includes XML and JSON example data, and description of value sets.
FHIR Profiling – Tools
- clinFHIR (David Hay, Orion):
- David Hay’s blog contains many posts about clinFHIR, at https://fhirblog.com/category/clinfhir/
- Forge (fire.ly):
- Documentation at https://fire.ly/products/forge/
- Lantana Trifolia:
- The art-decor toolset is integrating FHIR into its mix of supported standards, targeting v2.0 for FHIR profile viewing in the core toolset, and also working on a FHIR server. One to watch, as it treats FHIR alongside other HL7 and related standards:
Background and ‘current affairs’
- Blogs with a lot of discussion about FHIR
- David Hay https://fhirblog.com/ (accessible coverage of core matters in implementation, v. good for clinical perspective and new adopters)
- Grahame Grieve, Health Intersections (reflects strategic issues for FHIR adoption as a whole, also deep/hard issues and edge-cases)
- …see also list on the HL7 wiki at https://wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=FHIR_Blogs
- Rene Spronk’s HL7 FHIR Vimeo channel contains all the DevDays videos (and more) https://vimeo.com/channels/hl7fhir/page:1
- All the DevDays presentations are also on Slideshare, though they take a bit of finding.