Frequently Asked Questions2019-07-08T17:18:38+00:00
How do I join HL7 UK?2019-07-02T19:00:00+00:00

To join HL7 UK, select Join Us/Join Here from the main menu.

How do I log in to the HL7 US site?2022-07-11T11:50:23+00:00

Go to HL7 International login and follow the link to the US site.  You’ll need to be logged in into to see the link.

Why am I having problems logging into

Some members who run Symantec Client firewall may have problems accessing this site. The problem can be solved by adding the site in Privacy Controls – see below:

  • Open Symantec Client firewall
  • Click on “Status & Settings”
  • Click on “Privacy Control”
  • Click on “Configure”
  • Click on “Advanced”
  • Click on “Add site”
  • Type “”
  • Click “OK”
  • Ensure “” is selected
  • Uncheck “Use default settings” under “Information about visited sites”
  • Click “Permit”
  • Click “OK”
  • Click “OK”
  • Close Symantec Client firewall
  • Depending on the firewall you use the settings may vary.
How do I find out about UK meetings?2018-06-10T16:48:52+00:00

Details will be posted to the HL7 UK members list. See also HL7 UK Events from the main menu.

How do I get hold of HL7 standards and documents?2018-09-21T14:52:05+00:00

For HL7 UK documents, follow Documents from main menu. All HL7 UK and HL7 Standards are also available from Documents.

For all other documents originating in the US log in to the US site (see How do I log in to the HL7 US site above) and select “HL7 Standards” from Resources.

I’ve forgotten my username/password2018-09-21T15:14:47+00:00
How do I request an HL7 UK OID?2018-09-21T15:14:58+00:00

Go to Object Identifiers (OIDs) and you can view the latest registered HL7 UK OIDs and download an OID Request Form with further instructions.

Who can attend?2018-09-21T15:18:57+00:00

Any member of HL7 UK (or any other HL7 International Affiliate, or HL7 US) can attend at members’ rates, see HL7 International for current rates.

How can I subscribe to a mailing list?2021-10-26T15:22:24+00:00
How much does it cost to attend UK meetings?2018-09-21T15:17:12+00:00

HL7 UK meetings are currently free to members.  Potential members are entitled to attend one meeting free of charge, but thereafter must join HL7 UK.

Why should I attend?2018-09-21T15:23:19+00:00
  • To meet around 500 other people, many of whom have years of experience in developing and implementing the HL7 standards.
  • To attend any of about 50 general and specialist training courses.
  • To influence the direction or detail of HL7 work.
How do I register?2022-07-11T11:58:40+00:00

Wait until the announcement on the HL7 UK members list, then register.  If you are an HL7 UK member, go to HL7 International login and follow the link to the US site.  You’ll need to be logged in into to see the link..  If you aren’t a member, go direct to the HL7 International site.

What does HL7 stand for?2018-09-21T15:24:43+00:00

HL7 stands for Health Level Seven. Health is self-explanatory, while Level 7 refers to the seventh layer of the International Standard Organisation (ISO) Open System Interconnect (OSI) basic reference model (ISO 7498:1984). OSI is the standard model for networking protocols and distributed applications, which became a standard in 1983. HL7 was formed in 1987, at about the same time that EDIFACT (ISO 9735:1987) and SGML (ISO 8879:1986) became international standards.

What is a Standard?2018-09-21T15:25:17+00:00

The ISO definition of a standard is a document, established by consensus and approved by a recognised body, that provides for common and repeated use, rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results aimed at the achievement of a maximum degree of order in a given context.

Is HL7 a recognised body?2018-09-21T15:26:09+00:00

Yes. Since 1994 HL7 has been an accredited Standards Development Organisation affiliated to ANSI (American National Standards Organisation). HL7 procedures are audited by ANSI.

What Lists are Available?2021-10-26T15:18:56+00:00

Go to the Mailman page to view the active mailing lists.

This will give you a listing of all public lists on the HL7 UK list server. Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription.

How to create child OIDs from your registered OID2020-01-16T12:29:22+00:00

Once that you have an OID issued by HL7 UK, all the OID s “under” it, are yours to allocate as you see fit. You just need to keep a record internally.

For example:

  • If you have been allocated 2.16.840.1.113883.
  • You can make:
    • 2.16.840.1.113883.,
    • 2.16.840.1.113883.
    • 2.16.840.1.113883. etc.
  • As well as:
    • 2.16.840.1.113883.
    • 2.16.840.1.113883. etc.

In other words you could create:

  • [your oid].1
  • [your oid].2
  • [your oid].3 etc

And also levels:

  • [your oid].1.1
  • [your oid].1.1.1 etc

…and so on: as many levels and numbers as you like.

It’s probably best not to use the highest level numbers immediately but better to categorize them first:

  • [your oid].1 some category
  • [your oid].2 some other category
  • [your oid].3 etc

Fort example, you might want to create a top level one for “systems”

  • [your oid].1 Systems

Then have:

  • [your oid].1.1 LIMS
  • [your oid].1.2 PAS
  • [your oid].1.2 something else

…and so on

Then later you may want to allocate OIDs for eg Departments:

  • [your oid].2 Departments
  • [your oid].2.1 General Surgery
  • [your oid].2.2 A&E etc

This makes sure the two types (systems and departments) won’t be mixed up together.

Just make sure you keep a master catalogue – eg a spreadsheet or similar – somewhere central, ideally an intranet.


How can I subscribe to a list?2021-10-26T15:22:09+00:00
  1. Go to the Mailman page to view the active mailing lists.
  2. Click on a list name to subscribe.
  3. Scroll down to
  4. Scroll down to “Subscribing to [mailing list name]” and  submit;
    • email address
    • name (optional), useful for the list administrator for identification purposes.
    • a password (optional), mailman will automatically generate a password for you if you do not chose to select a password. You can always request a mail-back of your password when you edit your personal options.
    • select whether your mail is sent to you in a daily digest, this is a useful option if there is a lot of mail generated on the list, otherwise the option can be selected at a later date by editing personal options.
  5. Click on the Subscribe button.
  6. You will see the following confirmation page:
    [Mailing List Name] Subscription results
    Your subscription request has been received, and will soon be acted upon. Depending on the configuration of this mailing list, your subscription request may have to be first confirmed by you via email, or approved by the list moderator. If confirmation is required, you will soon get a confirmation email which contains further instructions.
    If confirmation is required reply to the email you are sent by Mailman.
  7. The General Documentation for Mailman describes detailed list of Subscription Options, listed below is a summary of some available options;
    • mail delivery (this can be set globally for all HL7 UK Lists), useful if you want to go on holiday and remain on list – enabled/disabled.
    • set Digest Mode (default: off)
    • get MIME or Plain text Digests (default Plain text)
    • receive your own posts to the list (default Yes)
    • receive acknowledgement mail when you send to the list (default: no)
    • conceal yourself from subscriber list (default: no)
What other lists do I belong to?2021-10-26T15:21:54+00:00
  1. Go to the Mailman page to view the active mailing lists.
  2. Click on the required list name.
  3. Scroll down to the last section of the List Information – “[mailing list name] Subscribers”.
  4. To unsubscribe from [mailing list name], get a password reminder, or change your subscription options – enter your subscription email address in the field and click on Unsubscribe or Edit options button.
  5. Scroll down to the section “Your other subscriptions” and click on the button List my other subscriptions.
How can I view a list of subscribers?2018-10-26T18:15:56+00:00
  1. Go to the Mailman page to view the active mailing lists.
  2. Click on the required list name.
  3. Scroll down to the last section of the List Information – “[mailing list name] Subscribers”.
  4. Enter your address and password and click on the Visit Subscribers List button.
    You will see a list of email addresses of list subscribers
I have forgotten my mailing list password2021-10-26T15:21:36+00:00
  1. Go to the Mailman page to view the active mailing lists.
  2. Click on the required list name.
  3. Scroll down to the last section of the List Information – “[mailing list name] Subscribers”.
  4. To unsubscribe from [mailing list name], get a password reminder, or change your subscription options enter your subscription email address in the field and click on Unsubscribe or Edit options button.
  5. Scroll down to the section Password reminder and click on the button Remind.
  6. Mailman will email a reminder of your password to you.
How can I view List Archives?2021-10-26T15:21:20+00:00
  1. Go to the Mailman page to view the active mailing lists.
  2. Click on the required list name.
  3. In the first section of the List Information – “about [mailing list name]” click on visit the “[mailing list name] Archives” URL.
  4. Some List archives can only be viewed by List members.
How do I post to a list?2021-10-26T15:20:57+00:00
  1. Go to the Mailman page to view the active mailing lists.
  2. Click on the required list name.
  3. In the second section of the List Information – “using [mailing list name]” click on send email to “[mailing list name]” URL.
    Your email program will be activated to the mailing list address.
  4. If you are not a member of the mailing list then the administrator will be required to approve the posting.
My email address has changed, how do I inform Mailman?2021-10-26T15:23:22+00:00

Currently the databases for HL7 UK Membership and mailing lists are separate, so you will need to manually change your mailing list address. Frequent purges of the mailing lists are undertaken and unrecognised addresses will be contacted and possibly disabled. All subscription requests with an unrecognisable address will need to be verified by the member organisation.

  1. Go to the Mailman page to view the active mailing lists.
  2. Click on the required list name.
  3. Scroll down to the last section of the List Information – “[mailing list name] Subscribers”.
  4. To unsubscribe from [mailing list name], get a password reminder, or change your subscription options – enter your subscription email address in the field and click on Unsubscribe or Edit options button.
  5. Go to the Changing your [mailing list] information section. You can change the address that you are subscribed to the mailing list with by entering the new address.
  6. Type in new address in New address field.
  7. Type in new address in Again field to confirm.
  8. Enter your name (optional), useful for the list administrator for identification purposes.
  9. If you want to make the membership changes for all the lists that you are subscribed to at, turn on the Change globally check box.
  10. Click on Change my address and name button.
    Note that a confirmation email will be sent to the new address, and the change must be confirmed before it is processed
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