The HL7 UK Technical Committee V2 Subgroup…
… manages the maintenance of the HL7 v2 UK standard. Please join the v2 subgroup email list to take part, or ask anything about HL7 version 2.
Prashant Trivedi (NHS Digital) and Louise Parberry (InterSystems) are the current co-chairs. Click here to contact them.
The change process for the HL7v2 UK standard is documented on a separate page, see HL72UK – Requests for Change. Suggestions for improving this process are welcome and should be made on the v2 subgroup maillist.
The majority of the business of the subgroup is carried out via the subgroup maillist. Meetings of the subgroup by conference call or face to face are announced in the HL7 UK Events list.
The business of the subgroup during 2009-10 that resulted in the publication of the HL7v2 UK standard version A.3 is documented in the Request for Change Log. Older records of the subgroup are listed at the bottom of this page.
To support the use of v2 in the UK by producing and maintaining the HL72UK standard and other related standards and guidance in line with evolving requirements.
The sub-group will address issues associated with the development of v2 standards and directly associated documents for use in the UK. Discussion of integration and implementation issues is specifically excluded from the scope; the Technical Committee will ensure that this is handled elsewhere in HL7 UK. However, implementation guides and similar documents resulting from such discussion are the responsibility of this sub-group.
Work Products and Contributions to HL7 Processes
The HL7 UK Version 2 Standard
The sub-group will provide a focus and forum for the discussion of issues that affect the UK Version 2 Standard (HL72UK). Where appropriate, updates to the HL72UK standard will be considered and submitted to committee and membership ballot for approval.
The sub-group will also be responsible for the promotion of the HL72UK standard, with the objective of encouraging its wider use where v2 is considered appropriate.
Harmonisation with and Mapping to v3
The sub-group will look at how a version 2 messaging environment can interact with an environment that uses v3 messaging (eg. NPfIT). This work will include considering if and how it may be possible to map between the two messaging standards.
Consideration will need to be given as to whether the output of this process is submitted as a standard for ballot or as non-normative guidance.
Conformance Profiles
The sub-group will publicise the concept of Conformance Profiles and, if considered appropriate, look at the development and maintenance of such a profile for the HL72UK standard.
Formal Relationships with Other HL7 UK and Groups
The Version 2 Standards sub-group will report to the HL7 UK Technical Committee.
The Version 2 Standards sub-group will seek input from the NHS Implementers group to identify where changes, improvements or new standards are required.
The significant overlap in membership of this group with the NHS Implementers group means that the two groups should be scheduled so as to allow members to attend both groups.
Formal Relationships with Groups Outside of HL7
As directed by the HL7 UK Management Board.