UK Core Ballot – Closes Wednesday 22 December
Welcome to the HL7 UK blog where we will be posting items of interest to our members together with the wider stakeholder community including health and care providers, IT system suppliers and professional bodies.
This first post concerns the current HL7 FHIR® UK Core R4 (version 0.1.0) STU (Standard for Trial Use) Ballot. The deadline is just before midnight on Wednesday 22 December and we welcome feedback from everyone, whether members of HL7 UK or not.
All comments will be considered in the same way, irrespective of who submits them but only members of HL7 UK can submit a formal vote. We encourage everyone to participate and further information can be found at:
For those who are not familiar with the background, we are balloting the Implementation Guide (IG) at:
The UK Core facilitates a standardised and unified approach to the use of FHIR in the UK, and interoperability as a whole. The IG provides building blocks and guidance that everyone can use to ease the burden of development and to speed up implementation. The profiles in the IG will lay the foundation for common information exchange, increasing alignment between all UK Core based solutions and systems.
The ballot follows three rounds of UK-wide consultation through the Clinical and Technical Assurance process run by the UK Core Development Team. It is a major milestone and important step in progressing the use of the R4 version of FHIR in the UK.
The version being balloted includes 12 FHIR resource profiles to form a baseline able to support the exchange of Medication and Allergy information.
The intention is to continue to grow and develop the IG based on prioritised needs where there is sufficient alignment across the UK.